
About me

    My name is Amjad Parker and what I'm about to share, only few (nay), a dozen (nay), not even a lot of people know. Welcome, to my Blog.

Name: (already mentioned)

Age: 18

Country: South Africa (Passport/Father), Philippines (Mother) , India(Grandfather), and born in Malaysia

Languages I speak: English

Course: Bachelors of Computer Science the plan, for now it's Foundation

Hobbies:  - Basketball (I'm bad at shooting)
                - Piano (I only know one song)
                - Reading (fantasy and other useless books, that is)
                - Listening to music ( the screaming kind, don't ask)
                - Video Games ( only like, 'sometimes' though)

     As you can see, I'm a very positive thinker. I've been in Malaysia for 2 months so far, and will be staying for another 4 years.The locals here are friendly, but that can be said about every local, we don't know their *True Intentions* to be honest. I'll be filling in this blog with my past experiences here, and future ones to come. Only if they are interesting in my eyes though, your opinion matters not here. Well that's all for my first post.

Have a good day, or not
Amjad Parker
(This is not actually my university)


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