
[5/5] Where I am now

     All the previous posts were about the past, small strange experiences which I remembered as I was trying to settle in. These random experiences all happened when I felt lost and alone. Wait no, I felt like an outcast. Going outside, farther from home was good to get things outta my head. Emo songs have such convenient names.

It felt something like this:

Over the past few months, I feel I've actually learned some new things. Not academically, other 'life lessons' such as:

-Money management (I now understand why corn flakes was the only cereal at home)
-A healthy lifestyle (I see it in another light, I didn't move towards it though)
-Socializing (I went from 'horrible' at it to 'slightly less horrible')
-Initiative (Registration doesn't happen by itself, I should prob get going..)
-Limitations (Room doesn't have enough space for a piano, much sadness)
-The most important, Time management

    And now, to where I currently am. Deadline for a certain assignment *cough* and a math test tomorrow. After tomorrow a physics test which I have yet to study for, and a math assignment to complete. These are all that I know for the next 2 days, looking too deep in the future frightens me.

   I've been enjoying myself in recent times as compared to when I first arrived. Meeting interesting  people, working on various things I didn't know I liked and hanging out with friends. Kinda reminds me of another emo song:


[4/5] People

     They are everywhere. They make or break your day. They shaped the person you are now and what you will be. They also serve hot orange juice, hot water, and seafood fried rice instead of broasted chicken. It did not taste good. I don't know how it came to that order. But at the same time, they probably didn't know why I would ask for that, but everyone has their side of the story. And this post I will be talking about mine.

Fun fact: Hot orange juice does not help deal with spicy food

    The first person I met after moving alone, was none other than human roommate. For privacy reasons I will not mention his real name, instead we will refer to him as Bob killer. BK helped me with registration, settling in the dorm, and he watched anime. I'm extremely fortunate to have had BK as my roommate and will forever be grateful. BK later moved to another room tho.

   One of the more memorial events to happen, was the UTM got talent show.  It was a completely new experience that left me completely speechless. Because it was in Malay. I did not speak Malay. Watching people do acts and comedy skits without understanding what they were saying was a new experience. I felt like this guy:

I guess I also entered a circle or something.


[3/5] Pre-Uni Malaysia

Before getting hit with nature, I was fortunate enough to take those beautiful pictures as I was touring the country with my family.

Then there are these okayish ones:

         Few weeks after moving in the dorm, I took a trip to KL. But ended up in Klang since I missed the bus station. Good thing Grab exists. Met up with a friend, my siblings, and my sibling's friends. I stayed for a couple of days and fully enjoyed showering in water that did not freeze my very essence.  But it was time to return, so I took a bus. Then I missed the station again and ended up near Singapore. Yet again, good thing Grab exists.

The next day, I met up with an acquaintance also in foundation, one which gave me his number and I've been confirming the time my classes start with him... is what I thought. Turns out, he mis-typed the number and I was talking with a completely random person the entire time. And just like that, I missed a week and half of class. 

Moral of the story: Catch the bus the first time, Grab is expensive.

[2/5] Settling in

    "Sometimes, when you go to new country, you need to survive." Hearing these words upon entering Malaysia enlightened me. But nature was one step ahead.

      New to the dorm, and to living alone, I had to find the necessities. A basketball court. And thankfully, my human roommate helped me find it, and some other random places, like a place to eat and a market. However, to reach those places, I had to go through a certain giant, red, termite-looking, giant ant infested door.


     Given the termite ants, I never used this door until recently, cause they gone now. So instead I would climb over the fence which is 2 minutes away from here. I had a big-brain moment where I tried to climb it with my phone in hand, which now has war scars. 

     After weeks of anticipation, I bought a basketball and the next day I went to the court. Playing basketball for the first time since coming to Malaysia, I was hyped. I was ready. No one else was as ready as me, since there was no one else. 

     As sad as it sounds, playing alone in basketball isn't the worst thing. Nature striking comes first. Which is exactly what happened. After a while of taking bad shots, I missed one so bad that I straight up got robbed. Here's the evidence:

Its deeper than it looks.

     Missing the new student orientation event thing, which I didn't know it existed at the time, I didn't really meet anyone other than my human roommate. Plus the daily cold showers, spicy food everywhere and insects in every corner,
 I hated Malaysia.

[1/5] The Malaysia Experience

Or rather, just the uni part.

      I'll be writing my experience in a journal-like format. Although it has been some time since these events have happened, so take it with a grain of salt. I'll be trying to list them in chronological order but no guarantees.

      That dot you see is none other than Bob, my sole companion after moving into my dorm. Coming from Saudi, I lived quite an urban life so naturally, I hated insects and critters. I genuinely believe that the only reason bugs were created, was to bug people. Seeing a jumping spider jumping around my desk instilled a mix of emotions. Not fear, I swear on Bob's life. (Spoiler alert: He dies).

      Naturally, my first instinct was to kill it.  But then, I had a genius realization that Bob eats insects. And after discussing it with my council of judgment (siblings), we decided to spare Bob's life. His name was given to show that he means more than just a spooder now. He was officially my first roommate.

    Shortly after, a human roommate walked in and saw me staring at a spider menacingly. After greeting and doing normal human talk, bob slowly started moving towards him. It all happened in slow motion, My human roommate looked down on Bob, gave a twisted smile and said, "Omai wa mo SHINDERU". Shortly following was the sound of a stomp, blood splattering and a soul being taken away.

   ...Is how I envisioned it. Reality was me looking away and assuming that that's what happened. I never did see Bob again. The next 4 posts will be ones like this, random, pointless, and weird experiences. Next up: The Termite door.


Skill-sharing...but not really

       After brainstorming on what topic I should make my video on, I decided to make a video on how to make a video. Although, it doesn't really show you how to make a good one. Or a normal one. It does however show a picture of my cat. Enjoy.

12 - 7

Face reveal Waow

As the title says, I, against my own will, will be doing a face reveal and explaining why I look the way I am. I'd like to mention once again that I'm doing this against my will. 

As you can see, I'm not black or white and I chose to wear a T-shirt because, well, I like T-shirts. I'm also wearing jeans that are blue, because they are blue. Another thing you might have noticed is that I'm too busy to look at the camera as I was busy coming up with the title. Hard Work indeed. 

I'm told to also mention the *Real* story behind the picture. Behold.

It all started when I woke up, or rather, after I was supposed to wake up. I looked to my phone to see the time, 10:30 am. I then tried going back to sleep until I remembered, I had class at 11. Rushing to get ready, I showered and when I looked at my closet, I knew exactly what I wanted to wear. Cause . all the other t shirts were in the dirty basket.

After that I had to come up with what pants to wear, and I know this will be hard to believe, but I chose the dark blue jeans over all the other jeans. It was to match my theme of wearing whatever is clean. A rule, I try to follow.  And the *real* reason I didn't look at the camera was because I, uh, didn't want to. That being said, you now know the tale of why I look, the way I look.

Creating a Flyer

After creating my first flyer, I have decided I had the necessary qualifications to help others create their very own. 

 4 am, good time to work on this

Now, how did I spend over 3 hours and still make this flyer atrocious you ask? Here's how:
1. Pick a theme or topic for your flyer.

2. Research about chosen topic.

3. Think about how you want the layout of your flyer to be.

4. Get a background picture, or make your own.

(Or do both and spend over an hour on a border of leaves that doesn't even look good)

5. Fill in the flyer with the information.

Just like that, you might be able to make a flyer as bad as mine. With a lot less time taken. A lot, less.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    There are two kinds of softwares, system software and application software. Unlike the previous iconic duo, system softwares are overshadowed by their fellow application softwares. One is widely known by everyone, and the other, only by those who crave deeper knowledge of the abyss known as I.C.T. And today, I'll be discussing their differences.

System Software:- System Software refers to the files and programs that make up the computers Operating System.

Application Software:- It is a program or collection of programs used by people(shocker) for either general or specific purposes.

As for their differences, I have stumbled upon a video that I did not watch(but saw the title and therefore will add it), to explain the differences.

And a picture,

 my edit is better

Comparing Input and Output Devices

    One cannot say 'Input' without mentioning or even thinking about 'Output'. Truly, an inspirational story. As for what they are, and how they are different, I will show a picture, the culmination of my research, effort and CTRL-key pressing abilities that *in theory* should help further your understanding on this particular riveting subject, in which only a vast majority of the population are aware of.

 ready to do the WOOSH?

 Some systems contain both Input and Output devices. A lot, Actually.


This is going to be hard to believe, but I actually used google to find these pictures, the link to them are in the picture itself.

Reddit-level Criticism

Another day, another "idea". This time, I have decided to read an article, a part of it, and criticize it as much as possible. (these are strange times)

My Opinion on the 'INTRODUCTION' of Article:

Secure User Data in Cloud Computing Using Encryption Algorithms

As I am aware of how invaluable my opinion is, I shall attempt to give as much information as I can on this introduction starting with:

"Cloud Computing is the ability to access a pool of computing resources owned and maintained by a third party via the Internet"

The writer starts off the article using some big words, not at "amelioration" level, but still words that may cause confusion for non-native English speakers. It also has an effect of making anyone who reads it instantly bored.

"Cloud computing usually involves the transfer, storage, and processing of information on the ‘providers’ infrastructure, which is not included in the ‘customers’ control policy"

Here, the writer adds in a little bonus information, which no one will remember. Although the introduction is meant for giving a brief 'opening' on what the rest of the article will be about, the writer chose to fill it up with in-efficacious words.

"The concept Cloud Computing is linked closely with those of Information as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) all of which means a service oriented architecture [1]."

Should've put quotations for "Cloud Computing" now it just looks weird.

"The advantage of cloud computing over traditional computing include: agility, lower entry cost, device independency, location independency, and scalability [1]."

This is the start of a paragraph with no space at the start and a large gap after every comma, making the entire "paragraph" annoying to read.

"Although schemes with private auditability can achieve higher scheme efficiency, public auditability allows anyone not just the client (data owner), to challenge the cloud server for correctness of data storage while keeping no private information."

Learning from the mistake of not stating with enough space, the writer decided to add more, a bit too much, that it becomes, yet again, annoying to read.

Now, it may look like I'm nitpicking at the writer, looking for any small thing to hate on. And yes that is what I'm doing. Hence, the title.

You can check out the full article here: or by clicking the title at the start of the blog. Well, that's all for now. See ya.

Secondary Storage Devices

You ever just wake up one day and think, "I need to write a blog about Secondary Storage Devices"? Yes? me too.

    Text Book Definition:

      A secondary storage device is any non-volatile storage device that can be either internal or external to the computer.  Data that is less frequently accessed are usually transported to the secondary storage device to free up space on the primary storage device enabling the computer to run better and faster. Additionally, they don’t directly interact with applications and are not under control of the CPU. 

There are many different kinds of secondary storage devices ranging from ancient technology (CDs) to the most commonly used USB and HDDs to the latest cloud storage. Crappy pictures taken from google can be seen below:

Optical Discs

- Compact Disc (CD)
- Digital Versatile Disc (DVD)
- Blu-ray Discs (BD)

Solid-State Storage

- Solid-state Drives (SSD)
- Flash Memory Cards
- USB drive                     

And Cloud (The physical part)

About me

    My name is Amjad Parker and what I'm about to share, only few (nay), a dozen (nay), not even a lot of people know. Welcome, to my Blog.

Name: (already mentioned)

Age: 18

Country: South Africa (Passport/Father), Philippines (Mother) , India(Grandfather), and born in Malaysia

Languages I speak: English

Course: Bachelors of Computer Science the plan, for now it's Foundation

Hobbies:  - Basketball (I'm bad at shooting)
                - Piano (I only know one song)
                - Reading (fantasy and other useless books, that is)
                - Listening to music ( the screaming kind, don't ask)
                - Video Games ( only like, 'sometimes' though)

     As you can see, I'm a very positive thinker. I've been in Malaysia for 2 months so far, and will be staying for another 4 years.The locals here are friendly, but that can be said about every local, we don't know their *True Intentions* to be honest. I'll be filling in this blog with my past experiences here, and future ones to come. Only if they are interesting in my eyes though, your opinion matters not here. Well that's all for my first post.

Have a good day, or not
Amjad Parker
(This is not actually my university)